Monday, December 9, 2013

Texting and Driving PSA Poster

My topic was about texting and driving.  I wanted to have my audience understand the importance of not texting while driving.  There are many consequences of texting while driving such as damages, injuries, fines, crimes, and even death.  I intend to prove that texts can wait for after driving and

I learned that more than about 1/4th of accidents involved cell phones.  I also learned that manny teenagers believe that they can text while driving safely but 10% of that time they drive outside of their lane.  This led me to believe that the usage of cell phones during the usage of an automobile leads to improper driving.  This led me to further believe that if there was a significant decrease of texting while driving, there would also be a significant decrease in motor accidents.

The interesting facts I used from the website that can be found here. One thing I found interesting was that just a few seconds of not paying attention to the road can cause a fatal accident.  When you text while driving, your chances of getting into an accident are multiplied by 23.  This proves that when driving, texting proves to be a unnecessary and dangerous task.

My rough sketches and ideas are here.

My finished PSA informs and educates the viewer by allowing the viewer the see at a perspective of a driver running over a innocent man.  The driver was texting on his phone and soon crashed into a man who was crossing the street.  Hopefully, this will be able to make the viewer feel bad for the man and think to themselves, "If I don't text while driving, then I won't be the one who kills a innocent man."

PSA - Texting & Driving Poster designed by Willy

Monday, November 18, 2013

©2013 Copyright. All rights reserved.

     Copyright is a type of protection stated in the U.S Constitution and law for original works of authors.  Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.  This information was located at the website "" which can be found here.  An example of Copyright can be when a person creates their own song and posts it online.  Soon, another person takes that song, and places it in a video of theirs without the owner's permission.  Another example of Copyright can be if a person writes their own novel and sells it in a local book store.  Soon, a customer purchases that book, and decided to type the first three chapters online for everyone else to see without the consent of the original author.  Those are two examples of Copyright Infringement.

     Fair Use is the copying of Copyright material for the reasons of a limited or "transformative" purpose, such as to comment on it, criticize it, or parody it.  This can be done without the consent of the original author and can be used as a defensive measure for protecting against a Copyright claim.  If it qualifies as Fair Use, then it will not be considered as a Copyright Infringement.  Basically, it is just similar to a person making a comment on a piece of work.  An example can be if a popular online blogger decides to take a paragraph from a popular novel and criticize it.  The blogger would post his or her own opinions on that section and publish it for his or her audience.

     Shepard Fairey was brought to court for falsifying and destroying documents and coaching a witness while in a Copyright Infringement battle over his famous image of Barack Obama.  The reason why he was ordered to court was because he tampered with evidence.  The Federal Court found Fairey had both destroyed documents that would prove that he did not use the pictures of Obama and Clooney, and made fake ones to try to defend himself with the claims he made in his complaint.  According to Court Documents, Fairey and AP settled the civil suit in January 2011 for $1.6 million.

     Public Domains are works that lack Copyright Protection.  They are available for everyone to use freely and without the author's permission.  They are a great source of materials for teaching, research, products, and many other uses.  Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that allows the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through legal tools.  An example of a public domain website for music can be found here.  An example of a Creative Commons website can be found here.  An interesting article about Congress keeping Mickey Mouse out of the public domain 15 years ago can be found here.

     Halloween before image used with permission, Creative Commons
Playing with Photoshop: Exploring what Liquify, Dodge + Burn, and Clone Stamp Tool can do.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Color Psychology

     In the web article called, Color Psychology: The Emotional Effect of Colors, I discovered that colors can affect emotions.  Depending on the color, it can influence a person to feel happy, sad, and/or calm.  It can be used to make people feel a certain way in commercials.  For example, they could make a commercial about food with specific colors that make them feel even more hungry and makes them crave the food that is advertised.  The article reference can be found here.

     In the article How Color Affect Marketing by Channa Leichtling from Touro College, it talks about colors in marketing.  It turns out that the colors used in advertisements can influence people into feeling a certain emotion, which persuades them into buying the product.  Colors are also used to target certain audiences.  For example, certain colors are used to attract a younger audience or an older audience.  It can also be used to attract people with a "thing" for the colors.  It can be for people who want to try something new, for people who want to be like their friends, or people who always buy items of that certain color.  In addition, the location that the product is sold must also have specific colors to help attract customers.  The success and failure of a product can depend on the color of the item.  The web link to the article can be found here.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Dream Destination Get-Away

Hawaii is a dream destination for me because it's a very relaxing place with great weather, locations, people, and fun.  The oceans are very beautiful and there are many places to go see.  There are several volcanoes in the islands of Hawaii.  Speaking of islands, there are many different islands in Hawaii, each being different in their own ways.  It's just a great place to go to whether if it's to visit someone there, to have a vacation there, to work there, or even to live there.

The official tourism website for more information on Hawaii such as activities, photos, and videos can be found here.

I imagine visiting this location and my experiences eating new food, playing in the beaches, visiting the different islands, and relaxing at certain locations just like the image I created below with me arriving at Hawaii and getting really excited for all the fun and activities Hawaii has to offer.