Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Color Psychology

     In the web article called, Color Psychology: The Emotional Effect of Colors, I discovered that colors can affect emotions.  Depending on the color, it can influence a person to feel happy, sad, and/or calm.  It can be used to make people feel a certain way in commercials.  For example, they could make a commercial about food with specific colors that make them feel even more hungry and makes them crave the food that is advertised.  The article reference can be found here.

     In the article How Color Affect Marketing by Channa Leichtling from Touro College, it talks about colors in marketing.  It turns out that the colors used in advertisements can influence people into feeling a certain emotion, which persuades them into buying the product.  Colors are also used to target certain audiences.  For example, certain colors are used to attract a younger audience or an older audience.  It can also be used to attract people with a "thing" for the colors.  It can be for people who want to try something new, for people who want to be like their friends, or people who always buy items of that certain color.  In addition, the location that the product is sold must also have specific colors to help attract customers.  The success and failure of a product can depend on the color of the item.  The web link to the article can be found here.

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