Thursday, March 13, 2014

Career Plans

     The career I'm interested in (but not completely sure of) is a Software Engineer/Publisher for Google.

     The reason I've thought about this career field is because I really like to work on computers and I believe that working at Google would pay well, provide good benefits, and overall seems like a good time without much stress.  I have some friends who have friends that work at Google and say it's a really good place to work at.  I also have several relatives who had friends that had worked for Google and made enough money to retire at the age of fifty.

     In this particular career, I can see myself working on the computers, chat with co-workers, and enjoying all the benefits Google has to offer.  I can see myself programming and working on Software that will eventually be used by millions of people around the world.  It really makes an impact to me when I can see others using and enjoying products I made, or help made.

     The skills and qualifications required for the job I am interested in is a Graduate Degree and Master of Science in CS, EE, or CE.

     I am suited for this career in the way that I know how to follow instructions and use a computer.  If I learned how to do something and follow instructions for the first few times I make or do something, I will remember it by heart for a long time.  For example, if my boss or manager wanted me to edit a type of software, they would have to show me the first time.  And, with this information and experience, I will be able to do the same for all other software.  In addition, I am pretty well familiar to how a Computer works, how it's built, and what you can do with it.

     At this current time, I could gain experience for this career by learning from people with experience, from watching tutorial videos, from visiting colleges/universities that provide the classes, and through personal experience.  By personal experience, I mean by possibly editing software or programs (which I have done before) on my own computer.  I can begin by editing simple things and work my way up to even more difficult tasks.

     Although there may not be a lot of jobs for Google, there are many jobs out there for people in the subject of Computer Science.  If I am not able to obtain the career at Google, I may be able to obtain one from Jupiter, Linux, Blizzard, Riot, and many more.  It doesn't have to be a job focused on applications.  It can be a job for video games and others.  In the Department of Labor & Statistics, it states that the demand for Software Developers will continue to increase in the job outlook.  The reason being is that there will always be an increasing demand for computer software, phone applications, and more.  In addition, software are also developed for medical uses, educational uses, safety uses, military uses, and defense force uses.

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